NASA confirms underwater debris is from the 1986 Challenger explosion

NASA confirms underwater debris is from the 1986 Challenger explosion

A documentary crew searching for World War II-era aircraft wreckage recently discovered historical artifacts of a more modern variety. After reviewing the footage, NASA has confirmed that underwater wreckage filmed off the Florida coast is from the disastrous final flight of the space shuttle Challenger, in which seven people were killed. Divers working on the … Read more

Tiny robotic fingers let humans interact with insects

Tiny robotic fingers let humans interact with insects

Human fingers are clearly too big to safely play with bugs, but technology might offer a far gentler option. Scientists at Ritsumeikan University have developed soft robotic “microfingers” that let people interact with insects. The tiny digits (just 0.47in long and 0.12in wide) combine flexible liquid metal strain sensors with pneumatic balloon “muscles” to offer … Read more

More Twitter privacy and security executives abandon ship

More Twitter privacy and security executives abandon ship

It’s a day ending in the letter “y” which inevitably means there’s more drama at Twitter. Chief information security officer Lea Kissner, chief privacy officer Damien Kieran and chief compliance officer Marianne Fogarty have all quit, according to The Verge. The report suggests that the company’s engineers will now be responsible for ensuring compliance with … Read more

GM reveals the first vehicles that will access its expanded hands-free driving network

GM reveals the first vehicles that will access its expanded hands-free driving network

GM has announced the first few vehicles that will gain access to Super Cruise’s expanded road network. The company announced in August it would double the size of the hands-free advanced driver assistance system’s (ADAS) network to over 400,000 miles (644,000 kilometres) of roads in the US and Canada. What a surprise: the first vehicles … Read more

VR-controlled robots are being designed to treat injured soldiers

VR-controlled robots are being designed to treat injured soldiers

If you think of robots in the military, your mind may conjure dystopian images of science-fiction battlefields with AI-powered machines trading laser fire. But in a much more humane application, UK researchers are developing a potentially lifesaving medical system equivalent to a VR triage video call. University of Sheffield researchers are working on a telepresence … Read more

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