Loose Weight Naturally

How to Loose Weight following Science Backed Methods? Read On...

Intermittent Fasting

This method involves fasting for 16 hours and eating only during an 8-hour window. For most people, the 8-hour window would be around noon to 8 p.m. 

Protein can control appetite. It decreases hunger hormone Ghrelin, while increasing peptide YY, GLP-1, and cholecystokinin, a satiety hormone


Suger/Processed Carbs Reduction

Processed carbs and Sugar causes adipose tissue to store fat, leading to weight gain. Processed foods like white rice, bread, and pasta shall be replaced with whole-grain varieties.

Maintaining Diet and Exercise Log

Many researches supports that measuring your physical activity regularly can aid in weight loss. A review study discovered a link between regular exercise and meal journaling and weight loss.

Controlling Stress

Stress causes release of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which at first suppress hunger. However, chronic stress can cause cortisol to stay in the system for a longer period of time, increasing hunger and possibly causing people to eat more. Breathing exercises and relaxation methods such as yoga, meditation, or tai chi are effective at reducing stress.

There are few more ways to loose Weight Naturally. For more weight loss tips and tricks, read on US.Kalakshar.com